Mindful Heart 


One to one tuition is available for learning how to sing and play simple mantras with or without the harmonium.   This is suitable for beginners or those wishing to learn to play and/or sing mantras.

Having completed her Grade 8 in piano and Grade 5 musical theory, Sasha can introduce you to the harmonium keyboard and basic chords that you can sing-a-long to.  

£35 one hour lesson

£45 two hour lesson

Please contact Sasha for more information.

Feedback from Kelly, a Yoga teacher, who now offers mantra during her Yoga classes:

"I have been attending Sasha's 1-1 sessions for over a year now and I can not tell you how helpful they have been. Sasha has helped me learn new mantras and helped me with the chords on the Harmonium. 

Sasha, is so kind , gentle and passionate about chanting and sharing her experience and learning. Thank you for all your help and I look forward to more sessions with Sasha in the future. I would highly recommend any of Sasha'a one to one sessions or workshops in mantras."